
Since 2004, the Bonfield Express Foundation has given over $530,000 in scholarships to over 200 seniors at six local high schools including: Downers Grove North, Downers Grove South, Hinsdale Central, Hinsdale South, Lisle and Westmont high schools.

2019 Scholarship information

Scholarship applications will be available (for high school seniors who attend Downers Grove North, Downers Grove South, Hinsdale Central, Hinsdale South, Lisle and Westmont high schools) in your Guidance Office or College and Careers Office during the second semester of the 2017—2018 school year. See your high school counselor for deadline information.

2018 bonfield Scholarship Recipients

Downers Grove North High School
Margaret Miller
Katie Velazquez
Margaret Langland
Terrence LeBlanc
Fiona Murray
Samuel Ketchmark
Maxwell Krause
Anilyn Benge
Jack Langan
Sarah Jaworski
Allison Padovani

Downers Grove South High School
Kaitlyn Meyr
Madison Copot
Colin Riordan
Johanna Skibbe
Maximillian Schmidt-Bailey
Stephen Pipilas
Sarah Major
Grant Connolly
Abigail Davenport
Angela KariKari

Hinsdale Central High School
Sachin Shiva

Hinsdale South High School
Andrew Goldbranson

Lisle High School
Michelle Osagie

Westmont High School
Natalia Stroupe

Download Bonfield Scholars Alumni List >


District 58 and 68

In addition to granting academic scholarships to area high schools, the Bonfield Foundation also supports Downers Grove School District 58 and Woodridge School District 68 students who demonstrated Jim Bonfield's personal perseverance, strong moral character, joy of learning and commitment to community. The Foundation donates $1,000 to each of the 20 schools in Districts 58 and 68 to recognize students who demonstrate a love of learning, extra effort and/or good citizenship.

Community District 99 Special Services

The Bonfield Express Foundation also supports Community District 99’s Special Services Department’s multi-needs program. In 2017, the Foundation provided $10,000 to recognize student love of learning through support for the program’s community based experiences.

Character. Commitment. Community.